Where can I download Courseware.exe?

Q: Where can I download Courseware.exe?


Please download our Courseware from http://www.alo7.com/helps/ikj_faq.html

You can click 立即下载, and the download will begin automatically.

You can also download the Courseware from google drive if the website is too slow.
However, the file on google drive may not be the latest version but after you install it, you will see an update that will give you the latest version.
Before you download and run the Courseware, you need to make sure your computer system is able to run the software.

OUR Courseware can only be run on Windows 7 and above or on Mac OSX 10.

The Courseware cannot be run on Tablet or mobile phone and cannot be run on Windows XP or Windows Vista or Linux.

Mac download link:


Windows download link:


Compatible Software and Hardware:
Operating Systems: Windows7, Windows8, Windows10, MAC OS 10.10x and above CPU: Intel Core i3 CPU or better
Memory: 4GB + RAM

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